Eligibility Requirements:
- Educational/Professional Qualifications
Degree in Business Administration / Management/ IT/Computing/Marketing/ Economics from a University recognized by the University Grants Commission with full qualification of Chartered Institute of Marketing (CIM) UK or SLIM PG Diploma.
- Experience
Three years experience in the field of Marketing, preferably in the financial sector.
- Age Limit : Below 35 years
Nature of Duties:
- Planning Developing and implementing the deposit mobilization strategy of the Bank.
- Designing and positioning key deposit products and services of the bank for reaching set targets of the bank.
Salary Scale
Rs. 52,900 – 80,000/-
(1355 x 20)
(The initial monthly gross salary will be Rs. 99, 400/- approximately)
Information source http://www.nsb.lk/ on 19.04.2016. This is only a written format of the advertisement, no responsibility about that advertisement and about typing mistakes in this written format form our web site. The appearance of this web publish, may be differ from the original. We only guiding to our visitors about information of job vacancies in this segment.please visit their web site for original advertisement.