Educational Qualifications
I. G.C.E (0/L) examination in 06 subjects in one and same sitting with credit passes in 05 subjects including language, Arithmetic / Mathematics / Commercial Arithmetic and Accounts
Five (05) yeatz experience in Auditing / Accounting work in a government department / public corporation or a reputed Audit firm
II. G.C.E (A/L) in 3 subjects in not mote than two sittings with passes following subjects.
And one of the following subjects
Logic / Economics / English
Three (03) years experience in Auditing / Accounting work in a Government Department / Public Corporation or a muted Audit Firm And
Professional Qualifications
Candidates shall possess at least one of the following qualifications
a. Foundation A & B or any equivalent examination of the Chartered Institute of Management Accountants
b. Licentiate I examination of the Institute of Chartered Accountants
c. 1st and 2nd year examinations of the Diploma in Accountancy of the Sri Lanka Technical College
d. Foundation A & B of the Association of Certified and Corporate Accountants
e. National Certificate in Business Studies - Sri Lanka Technical College
f. Pass in the final examination of Association of Accountant Technicians Age Limits Should not be more than 35 years of age.
N.B. This age limit will not apply to the employees of the CEB.
Salary Scale: Rs. 33,615- 5x445 10x485 - 40,690/— p.m. (M2)
Other Benefits:
Method of Recruitment: By an Interview
Note: Applications sent without copies of certificates will not be considered. Successful candidates are requited to serve in any part of the island.
General Manager
Other Benefits:
- CEB Provident Fund: Contribution by the Employee at 10% of the salary, the Board contribution is at 15%.
- Employees Trust Fund: (the contribution solely by the board of 3% of the employees salary)
- CEB Pension: (Subject to the CEB Pension rules)
- CEB Medical Assistance Scheme
- CEB Loan Scheme including Housing Loan Scheme
- Retirement Gratuity if not entitled to a Pension under the CEB skills
Method of Recruitment: By an Interview
Applications giving full details of educational / professional qualifications, experience present and previous employment and the age, supported by copies of certificate, should be sent to the Deputy General Manager (Personnel), Ceylon Electricity Board, Sir Chittampalam A. Gardiner Mawatha, Colombo 02 to reach him on or before 28th of February, 2014 by Registered Post. The envelope should be marked "Post of Audit Clerk" on the top left hand corner.
Applications from candidates in state service / Statutory Boanis / corporations and other government institutions should be forwarded through heads of relevant institutions who should state whether the applicant can be released or not, if selected.
Note: Applications sent without copies of certificates will not be considered. Successful candidates are requited to serve in any part of the island.

Sir Chittampalam A. Gardiner Mw, Colombo 02.
January 31, 2014
Information source daily news 06.02.2014. This is only a written format of the advertisement, no responsibility about that advertisement and about typing mistakes in this written format form our web site